Technical evaluation

All our products are subject to a Technical Evaluation delivered by the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for the Construction Industry).

The Technical Evaluation is document providing technical information on the fitness of purpose of a construction product, material, element or component which is new or innovative. The Technical Evaluation provides information from both the owner of the technology, and the opinion of a group of independent experts regarding the fitness for purpose of the product concerned. It therefore aims to provide clear information to various stakeholders in the construction industry thus allowing them to exercise their responsibilities.

You can check the validity of these Technical Evaluations directly on theCSTB site.

The Technical Evaluation is delivered by the “Commission for Technical Evaluations” (created under the order dated 2nd December 1969). It replaces the previous CSTB accreditation.
Around twenty groups of experts, representing constructors, manage the obtention of Technical Evaluations across a wide range of fields of application: structures, thermal and acoustic insulation, water treatment, floor surfaces, windows, environmental engineering etc. The Technical Evaluation is intended to provide all those involved in the construction process with an official opinion on the use of any new products, processes and equipment for a given purpose. It notably indicates the extent to which the process or product conforms to the regulations in vigor, is fit for purpose, and will be durable in service.


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Avis technique PU130