Today, energy is a key preoccupation across Europe. As a result of the increases in oil and gas prices, the European Union’s energy dependence has increased over the last five years. Today, the energy consumption of European Union member states represents 16% of global consumption and is increasing by around 1 – 2% each year.
Some figures
European energy consumption :
- 1 816 million TOE in 2005
- 2 000 million forecast for 2020
- 3.6 TOE per year for each European citizen
At the same time major demographic, economic and climate changes, the scarcity of global energy resources and strict legislation on carbon emissions mean people are turning to economically viable solutions
to reduce CO2 emissions. Europe has unlimited potential in terms of renewable energy, potential which to date has been underexploited.

In reaction to these very immediate challenges, many countries have adopted new environmental policies to combat climate change. The European Union has set the target of ensuring 21% of energy production from renewable sources and obtaining a 20% reduction in consumption by 2020.
Through its activities
INPAL Energy is making its own small, yet vital contribution to what is one of the most important issues of the 21st Century.